2021 All-Star Callenge

Start Date:

June 12th 2021

End Date:

September 11th 2021


11:00am -1:30pm (Check in START Date) (Check in END Date – TBA)


  • Grand Prize $300 for one Male and $300 for one Female
  • 2nd place $150 for one Male and one Female
  • 3rd place $50 for one Male and one Female
  • (OTHER PRIZES FROM SPONSORS WIL BE INCLUDED) notifications will be added throughout the competition to reveal other PROMOTIONS & prizes that will be given away to the winners.


RMFF will host the ASC WITH Co- Sponsors for the Check Ins (at the beginning) and Check Ins (at the end).

Each participant will have the opportunity to ear the Title for Best ALL-STAR Transformation of the 2021 year. One GRAND PRIZE WINNER will be selected for Men and another for Women.


The scores will be tabulated by RMFF appointed judges for THE SINGLE BEST TRANSFORMATION per category. Therefore, it will NOT matter if your goals are to lose OR GAIN, EVERYONE has an opportunity.

The RMFF officials will use the totals of the pound of fatty tissue and pound of muscle per the InBody documents received upon check in. Each point of growth (muscle gained) and loss (fat lost) will be scored by one single point (+1). The winner will ascend by having the most muscle (and/or) the best fat lost.

  1. RULES: The only document RMFF will allow for entry WILL BE AN OFFICIAL InBody print out. NO EXCEPTIONS (I.E. DEXA scan, pinch test, handheld devises etc.).
  2. Start Day begins June 12th at the check-ins. ANYONE can enter after the official date, (AS LONG AS THERE IS AN OFFICAL REGISTRATION COMPLETED WITH AN InBody PRINT OUT SUBMITTED).
  3. The end date WILL BE THE ONLY DAY and time we allow the LAST RMFF WILL allow someone to submit final results. If FOR any reason someone will be absent during the final check in, it is (HIS/HER RESPONSIBILITY to get an official InBody completed, printed, and submitted prior to the check in date. (THERE WILL NOT BE ANY EXCEPTIONS!!!!)
  4. ALL seminars held by RMFF, or a RMFF partner ARE FREE for anyone to attend.
  5. In the event a forgery, slander of another participant (online, in person OF ANY KIND) OR COMPROMISE OF THE INREGRITY OF THE COMPETION HAS OCCURRED, that participant WILL be eliminated from the competition. (In addition, owners of RMFF will RESERVE the right to forfeit current membership) SO, be a genuine and good sport!